At what age should you start potty training?

Date: 2019-02-26

At what age should you start potty training?

A part of the world, potty training begins early-sometimes within weeks of birth. Without being punished or abused, babies learn basic potty training skills before they can walk. And they never wear diapers. The situation is very different in the United States, where children may wear diapers for 2, 3 or even 4 years.

So what is the right potty traning age? The answer depends on you, your goals, and the characteristics of your child.

Parents start  training when their children are between 2-3 year old.

When your child shows signs of rediness and not before

Healthy children aren’t physically and emotionally ready to start using a potty until they are between 18 months and three years old. Boys tend to be ready a few months later than girls. But there’s no official age, and you needn’t potty train your toddler at all if you don’t want to. Your child may copy others without needing any instructions, as long as you make it clear to her what she has to do, and where she must do it. You shouldn’t force your child to use a potty if she doesn’t want to, or if she is not ready to start.

Some parents start potty training when their babies are younger than four months. (But NO)


This is done by watching for signs of an imminent wee or poo and catching it in the potty. However, most health visitors don’t advise this, and even suggest that children who have been trained in this way have problems later on. They may experience setbacks with using school toilets, or when they encounter stressful situations. It’s better to wait until your child is ready, and is showing an interest.



When your child shows signs of rediness and not before

The best answer is “When your child shows signs of rediness and not before.”

When your child shows signs of rediness and not before

A child under two years cannot control when they wee and poo. The muscles that control their bladder and rectum aren’t mature until they reach about 18 months to two years. That’s why waiting for signs that they are ready is the key to success, and starting too early will result in accidents.


We have just launched new Product for potty training. It is Boom potty – An effective potty used for child age form 6 months to 3 year. See more