How do you know when your child is ready to potty train

Date: 2019-02-26

Potty training is an important milestone in your kid`s life

When kid reaches a certain age, mothers begin to teach theirs child how to sit on the potty by themselves, which helps to control urination and defecation effectively. This time is also one of the developed milestone that mothers need to note. However, mothers are often very worried, reluctant to know when she may be ready for this important event. To help mothers deal with this concern, this article will give you some indication when your child are ready to sit on potty by himself, which moms can learn for more experience.

When is your child ready ?

Hướng dẫn cách cho bé tập ngồi bô đúng thời điểm mà các mẹ nên biết phần 4

The signs listed below are indications that parents are aware of their baby’s readiness. Of course, you do not have to wait until all the signs are recorded. When your child is independent  and can know and understand concept of “sit on potty to defecate”, which is enough for potty train. She is ready for self-cleaning when:

  • Baby diapers are drying for a long time, indicating that the muscles of the bladder are strong enough to hold urine and store for a while.
  • Your child says “pee” or “poo” while you change diapers, and he understands what that word means.
  • Your child can pull his or her pants up and down.
  • She knows when to go to the toilet, by showing her face, cleaning herself or making noise to her parents.
  • Your child understands what you say and follows your simple instructions.
  • The signs listed below are indications.
  • Your child knows and can go to the potty or toilet.
  • She understands wet and dry.

If your baby does not have any of the above symptoms, it is better for her to wait a little longer before starting potty trainning. Have fun with your family and do not forget to travel with to know more useful information for your child.