How to clean baby bottom without wipes
How to clean baby bottom without wipes
Moms often find it difficult to clean baby bottom. Typically, moms prefer to use wipes because of its convenience. But wipes aren’t harmless as we think.
There are so many common chemical ingredients found in wipes such as: Phenoxyethanol, Laureth Phosphate and Sodium Benzoate… If you wanted to clean heavy grime and dirt, you would expect to use chemical ingredients that could erode stains.
But do you really want to take such chemical measures to simply clean your baby’s hypo-sensitive skin? So, let’s find out how to clean baby bottom without wipes?

Why shouldn’t you use wipes to clean baby bottom?
Health professionals have long recommended using just plain cotton wool with water to clean baby bottom. Because many wipes claim to be sensitive, pure and natural. But if you read their ingredient lists, you’ll see that most wipes contain a catalogue of harsh chemicals.
According to a recent study, the use of wipes is super dirty. Even so, it can cause some health complications such as: infection….Would you feel comfortable wiping your baby’s bottom up to 10 times a day with something saturated in chemicals? How terrible!

How to clean baby bottom without wipes
Lucky! We have found a solution for moms. You shouldn’t worry about it anymore. Let us help you! With Boom Potty, you can clean baby bottom easily. It’s fine to use the shower or bidet instead of wipes.

With its unique design, Boom Potty allows you to clean your baby conveniently. You just use the bidet or the shower to clean the baby bottom. Then, dry your baby with a clean towel. Everything is easy.

Click through our website: to look for more information:
Boom Potty is a new product with more breakthroughs than the old products on the market. Boom potty helps parents easy to clean baby bottom. Cleaning your baby’s bottom is simple and convenient with Boom Potty.
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