Why training potty is so difficult

Date: 2019-02-26

It is very difficult for your baby to go to the toilet by himself . But once you get used to it, you will realize that this process is also very interesting and rewarding. It will also be a memorable time when the baby is speechless and will use the language to express his thoughts, he will probably make you laugh a lot.There will be some kids getting used to the toilet by themselves easily. Of course, the rest is not because of many reason:

Firstly, your child is not ready:

It is difficult to determine when it is appropriate for potty training. Some children learn to go to the toilet from 18 months, other children who is over two years old start to know to do this work. This problem depends a lot on your child, both physically, emotionally and sensitively.

Teaching children to go to the toilet themselves will be very new and children may react negatively or slightly dislike. If your child refuses to study, do not try to force him or her to be ready. You can try some new ways, and if he still do not like or are not willing to practice with you, be patient, wait until your child is ready to learn.

If your baby has physical, emotional and mental cues as listed below, it may be time to start teaching him or her. Remember that your baby must be ready to set up a new baby routine:

  • Your child says “pee” or “poo” while you change diapers. And he understands what that word means.
  • Your child can pull his or her pants up and down.
  • He knows when to go to the toilet, by showing her face or making noise to her parents.
  • Your child understands what you say and follows your simple instructions.
  • Your child knows and can go to the potty or toilet.
  • She understands wet and dry.

Another cause is that children who are too hyperactive and do not sit still will be very difficult for parents during the toilet training for children.

Secondly, parents is too rush

The worst thing that parents mess up and start too hard with their child  just because you have to success to teach your child to use toilet by themself. If you impose discipline on your child, all efforts to teach him will become ineffective, leading to nothing. Be calm, gentle, you also need to learn from time. Your baby can not go to toilet in a day. Some babies learn quickly in a few weeks, while some babies have to learn a few months to get used to it.

You will coach, teach by example, motivate your child, use tools to encourage your child, and observe progress while he or she is practicing. Gradually you will learn how to make her understand, how not. Remember, each child is different, the more you know about the child, the more you know how to teach children to be good for both you and yourself.

Finally, traditional potty or toilet bowl is easy to make your child fall and scare her

The process of teaching your child to go to toilet by herself  becomes more difficult if you do not choose the right toilet bowl for the baby. Teaching baby by traditional potty or placing a baby on a toilet will make the child feel scared because it is easy to fall over or frightened of being seated in the toilet.

But don`t worry about this ploblem anymore, Boom Potty, the king for potty traing , will solves effectively and safely, access to  http://boompotty.com/cua-hang/  to lean more and order