5 methods of cleaning for baby’s bottom

Date: 2019-02-26

Kids from 0 to 6 months

Lay the baby then wipe with a wet tissue or toilet paper, this way often consumes a lot of wet tissues. Moreover, it can be dangerous for children because using tissue or toilet paper are toxic


After 6 months year old, there will be more options for you:

Washing in sink

This way is easy to get a cold because the baby is wet half a person, moreover mom is also very easy to wet clothes because she must hold the baby

Washing in bathroom by a faucet

This way also causes the child to wet his legs and easily catch a cold. Besides, many children do not stand still, which trouble mom to wash baby`s bottom. In addition to mother have to clean the dirt and dirty water, this is a nuisance and a waste of time

Washing on toilet

Putting baby on toilet and washing make a difficult position to wash baby`s bottom cleanly. Moreover, kids can easily fall because they sit unfirmly



Washing with Boom Potty

Mom just have to enter faucet into the hole of the potty and wash. This way help mom washing easily because kids will sit still and firmly on Boom Potty. Moms can use Boom Potty when your child is 6 years old whether your child can sit or not. In addition, all shit and dirty water will flow directly to the toilet, moms don`t have to clean the sink, bathroom`s floor,…

Boom Potty is deserved to be the best potty for your child, access to http://boompotty.com/ to order and know  other wonderful functions of Boom Potty Thank you very much.