Potty training is so easy with Boom Potty

Date: 2019-02-26

Why is potty training so difficult ?

There will be some kids getting used to the toilet by themselves easily. Of course, the rest is not for many reasons. The typical one  is due to kid`s age, physiological psychology of children are not ready for this process. This problem depends a lot on your child, both physically, emotionally and sensitively. In addition, most children often have psychological fear of falling or may be very hyperactive and do not sit still on the toilet and potty.

Parents, on the other hand, often do not feel discouraged and tired because their kids often fight back or dirty. The worst thing is that parents often mess up and start too hard with children just because they have to teach their children go to toilet by themselves. Even this is considered more difficult process if you don`t choose the right and helful potty for the baby.

With its superior design, Boom Potty will help you solve all the problems with only 3 steps:

Step 1: Put Boom Potty on the toitet

The potty`s design makes it hold tightly on the toilet, so don`t be scared faltering

Step 2: Put your child on the potty

The shape of  Boom Potty is similar to recliner, which helps hold and elevate your children steadily and comfortablely without any support from parents. Moreover, you can use this potty when your children is 6 months year old whether they can knew to sit or not.

Step 3:  Use the bidet sprayer to wash baby`s bottom across the leak of the potty

The opening in front help you access and clean baby`s bottom very easily. Poop and waste water flows directly to the toilet so you don`t have to clean sink, bathtub or bathroom`s floor anymore. Washing  proccess is very simple and clean because your child sits still in the potty. And the last thing you have to do is using the cloth towel to dry baby`s bottom.

No longer dirty floor. No longer “cleaning war”. On the other hand, this potty’s technical structure is good for child`s hygiene system and help avoid constipation. Boom Potty is the real king in washing for children according to its convenience.

Access to http://boompotty.com/cua-hang/ to learn more and order.