Excellent potty training age for kids

Date: 2019-02-26

1-year-old child is the best for potty training

There is no specific age attributing that the child has to sit on the potty. There are children who are ready to sit on the potty very early, the rest maybe later. However, most children will soon be healthy and develop necessary skills to start this training process when they are 12 months or older.

Hướng dẫn cách cho bé tập ngồi bô đúng thời điểm mà các mẹ nên biết phần 4


Before your baby gets to sit on the potty, you should talk to her about the potty. Many people think that a 1-year-old child can not understand his mother’s words, but in fact he can learn very well this first lesson. At the same time, from this point on, you have to guide her to sit on the potty whenever she needs. You shouldn`t return to the toilet routine before, to help her quickly get used to using the toilet potty. Mothers can depend on the characteristics of the baby that has positive measures to help her quickly get used to potty (encouraging, singing, prays pretty potty…).

To make potty training is better, you should have your baby’s toilet time schedule set to reflect the body’s natural defenses. Usually, the mother should give her the toilet after she wakes up, before meals, and before she goes to sleep.

Potty training, however, depends a lot on your child, both physically, emotionally and sensitively. If you are not a medical professional or have experience, it is very difficult to know the time. Do not be afraid. Watch your child’s behavior, you may see some signs that the child is ready for potty training at http://boompotty.com/best-potty-for-potty-training/.

Have fun with your family and do not forget to travel with http://boompotty.com/ to know more useful information for your child.